In a day and age where the world speeds by at an alarming and frantic pace, our thoughts and actions are quickened as if we are running late for a train. We chase knowledge and success, but don't tarry long in our quest to hurry after the next piece to the puzzle, relying upon our minds to hold on to what we've briefly acquired.
Charles is a piece of the Old World where the acquiring of knowledge was more honorable than a temporary result. Where time was taken by every one until knowledge transcended itself to understanding. Where time was not wasted on those who were not willing to stay true to the long journey. Where guess work didn't over ride a system that had been proven over centuries.
There was something quiet and focusing in the two days that Charles De Kunffy gave his clinic here in Sonoita AZ. I was struck by the eloquent command of language that Charles used to convey his thoughts to each rider with their horse. The tempo and delivery of his words filled each moment with a soothing guidance that always seemed in keeping with the rhythm of the activity. The directives were leading the way just enough to let the rider smoothly transcend to the next movement, like a dancer being swept softly around the dance floor.
Old and young, talented or compromised, Charles led each one through the steps that he assured everyone were the keys to bring out the beauty and willing partnership in their horses and ultimately within themselves.
I have ridden under a number of clinicians as well as trained dressage horses myself for 35 years. I believe that most of our ideas and knowledge ripple across the surface of a pond like light playing on water, mine included. But Charles' knowledge WITH understanding is like diving deeper than the surface into the quiet depths of the pool.
Charles' lifetime of studying the Equestrian Arte, which started with riding masters supervising his early education in Hungary, to his own personal quest to fully understand the physics as it was blended with the spiritual, emotional and moral responsibility.
Charles De Kunffy is a page out of a rare and well loved book that reminds us what is important in life is gained only through time, honor and self-discipline. It will be an honor to ride with him again this spring and wed my experience with Charles’ deep understanding.
In a day and age where the world speeds by at an alarming and frantic pace, our thoughts and actions are quickened as if we are running late for a train. We chase knowledge and success, but don't tarry long in our quest to hurry after the next piece to the puzzle, relying upon our minds to hold on to what we've briefly acquired.
Charles is a piece of the Old World where the acquiring of knowledge was more honorable than a temporary result. Where time was taken by every one until knowledge transcended itself to understanding. Where time was not wasted on those who were not willing to stay true to the long journey. Where guess work didn't over ride a system that had been proven over centuries.
There was something quiet and focusing in the two days that Charles De Kunffy gave his clinic here in Sonoita AZ. I was struck by the eloquent command of language that Charles used to convey his thoughts to each rider with their horse. The tempo and delivery of his words filled each moment with a soothing guidance that always seemed in keeping with the rhythm of the activity. The directives were leading the way just enough to let the rider smoothly transcend to the next movement, like a dancer being swept softly around the dance floor.
Old and young, talented or compromised, Charles led each one through the steps that he assured everyone were the keys to bring out the beauty and willing partnership in their horses and ultimately within themselves.
I have ridden under a number of clinicians as well as trained dressage horses myself for 35 years. I believe that most of our ideas and knowledge ripple across the surface of a pond like light playing on water, mine included. But Charles' knowledge WITH understanding is like diving deeper than the surface into the quiet depths of the pool.
Charles' lifetime of studying the Equestrian Arte, which started with riding masters supervising his early education in Hungary, to his own personal quest to fully understand the physics as it was blended with the spiritual, emotional and moral responsibility.
Charles De Kunffy is a page out of a rare and well loved book that reminds us what is important in life is gained only through time, honor and self-discipline. It will be an honor to ride with him again this spring and wed my experience with Charles’ deep understanding.